In this confusing sequel to Would-Be Witch, Tammy Jo Trask, a beautiful but ditzy young woman living in Duvall, Tex., tries to cope with recently acquired magical powers that she has no idea how to use or control. Summoned by a Conclave to explain her illegal use of magic, Tammy Jo does not know who to turn to for help: sexy Bryn Lyons, whose charm and looks make her forget common sense; her loyal ex-husband Zach; or the two instructors sent by the Conclave, who seems as likely to kill her as assist in clearing her name. With her pet companion Mercutio by her side, Tammy Jo sets out to defend herself, hoping to return to her career as a pastry chef. In the second book of the Southern Witch series, author Frost attempts the ever-so-popular paranormal romance but tosses in too much magic: warlocks, vampires, faeries, hobgoblins, ghosts, were-wolves; ultimately, they prove exhausting, taking away from the story..


– Acceptable For Everyone
– Level 1 Reading Ease


– 83,456 words
– 9223 sentences
– Average 4.6 hours reading time

“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind