Though Ava and Callum are creations of my imagi-nation, and Fallen Land is by no means a history book, I endeavored to interweave my characters’ story with the world as it was at the time. Many of the episodes in the book are drawn from irst-per-son accounts and historical record, and I would be remiss not to mention the authors and scholars whose work helped me in this process: Virgil Car-rington Jones, Gray Ghosts and Rebel Raiders: The Daring Exploits of the Confederate Guerillas (Promontory Press, 2004); Noah Andre Trudeau, Southern Storm: Sherman’s March to the Sea (Harper Perennial, 2009); David Power Conyngham, Sher-man’s March Through the South: With Sketches and Incidents of the Campaign (HardPress Publishing, 2012); Joseph H. Ewing, Sherman at War (Morning-side Bookshop, 1992); and Major John Scott, Parti-san Life with Colonel John S. Mosby (Harper & Broth-ers, 1867).

Fallen Land
May 22, 2021 - Tiêu Dao
Tác giả : Taylor Brown
Ngôn ngữ : English
Định dạng : epub
Thể loại : Lịch sử - Chính trị
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