Introduction of the ebook: In the Arms of Mr. Darcy

Đánh giá : 3.91 /5 (sao)

If only everyone could be as happy as they are…

Darcy and Elizabeth are as much in love as ever-even more so as their relationship matures. Their passion inspires everyone around them, and as winter turns to spring, romance blossoms around them.

Confirmed bachelor Richard Fitzwilliam sets his sights on a seemingly unattainable, beautiful widow; Georgiana Darcy learns to fl If only everyone could be as happy as they are…

Darcy and Elizabeth are as much in love as ever-even more so as their relationship matures. Their passion inspires everyone around them, and as winter turns to spring, romance blossoms around them.

Confirmed bachelor Richard Fitzwilliam sets his sights on a seemingly unattainable, beautiful widow; Georgiana Darcy learns to flirt outrageously; the very flighty Kitty Bennet develops her first crush, and Caroline Bingley meets her match.

But the path of true love never does run smooth, and Elizabeth and Darcy are kept busy navigating their friends and loved ones through the inevitable separations, misunderstandings, misgivings, and lovers’ quarrels to reach their own happily ever afters… …more

Review ebook In the Arms of Mr. Darcy

Mini review:

An ok read but the amount of sex Darcy and Elizabeth have is starting to annoy me however I like this book because some of the side characters in Pride and Prejudice get there own happily ever afters and some others show some real character growth. However the next books in the series seem to be heading in a direction that I’m not interested in so I think this is where I will take my leave of the series. Mini review:

An ok read but the amount of sex Darcy and Elizabeth have is starting to annoy me however I like this book because some of the side characters in Pride and Prejudice get there own happily ever afters and some others show some real character growth. However the next books in the series seem to be heading in a direction that I’m not interested in so I think this is where I will take my leave of the series. …more

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