Introduction of the ebook: Nightfall

Đánh giá : 3.56 /5 (sao)

To save the two vampire brothers who love her, Elena Gilbert sacrificed her life.

Now that a supernatural force has brought Elena back from the dead, all handsome, brooding Stefan wants is to keep her safe. But when he is lured away from Fell’s Church, sleek, powerful Damon seizes his chance to win Elena over, unaware of the danger they’re both in. A malevolent being has in To save the two vampire brothers who love her, Elena Gilbert sacrificed her life.

Now that a supernatural force has brought Elena back from the dead, all handsome, brooding Stefan wants is to keep her safe. But when he is lured away from Fell’s Church, sleek, powerful Damon seizes his chance to win Elena over, unaware of the danger they’re both in. A malevolent being has infiltrated the town and is growing stronger. Able to possess Damon at will, the creature is also drawn to Elena and the new power she has acquired. But it’s after more than Elena’s power: It thirsts for her death.

Elena’s story continues in shadow souls! …more

Review ebook Nightfall

If you REALLY liked this book, please don’t read my review below.

Well…I thought the book was…BORING! This book was, like, so lame and I think the previous book (Dark Reunion) should have been the best ending for the Vampire diaries, but no…How could that be? -_-

L.J Smith- *yawning and thinking* I am bored. Which book should I ruin?
Night World? Nah!
Dark Visions? Nah!
The Secret Circle? Nah!
Forbidden Games? Nah!
Well, How about The Vampire Diaries?
Umm…Yeah! That sounds go ATTENTION READERS!
If you REALLY liked this book, please don’t read my review below.

Well…I thought the book was…BORING! This book was, like, so lame and I think the previous book (Dark Reunion) should have been the best ending for the Vampire diaries, but no…How could that be? -_-

L.J Smith- *yawning and thinking* I am bored. Which book should I ruin?
Night World? Nah!
Dark Visions? Nah!
The Secret Circle? Nah!
Forbidden Games? Nah!
Well, How about The Vampire Diaries?
Umm…Yeah! That sounds good! Why do people love this series so much? I will ruin this book!

No, seriously. I think that was in L.J smiths mind while writing the whole book.

Might Contain Spoilers!

The Characters:
Omg! Elena was so LAME! First an innocent kid who can fly? WTF? and then people looking at her when she says “Damn” like, “OMG! Shes too innocent, she can’t say that.” WTF! It was so lame, so lame, I couldn’t possibly think how could an author really right this book after her previous books have been so awesome? She was like a werido shape shifter or something in this book…

My reactions on Elena
Elena Dead:
Hmm…didn’t expect that. Buh still…k!

Elena Vampire:
Ahan…ohk…I can see that…because it’s “Vampire Diaries”…

Elena Innocent Baby: (Who can actually fly)
Hahahaha! that’s so lame…but the book says she will turn normal so I am waiting for that…

Elena Angel:
Seriously…What the fuck? what kind of a freak is she? OOoo I wanna be a fairy! *I believe you can be a pain in everyone’s ass*
*turns into fairy* WTH?!

Stefann looked like my Grandma in this book……

Me:- Sneaking and stealing toffee from the kitchen.
Stefan:- *Looking at me*
Me:- SHIT!
Stefan:- Oh Lord! What are you doing my little lovely love?
Me:- Sorry :(…..on the other hand, little lovely love? WTF?!
Stefan:- Now let me put that toffee back, you don’t want to spoil your teeth now don’t you?
Me:- Whatever!
Stefan:- Let me read a story book to you and then I will sleep in the rocking chair so you won’t be scared.
Me:- You are such a desperate bitch…
Stefan:- *Shocked* Don’t say bad words…you know I can’t fight back.

He is so pure, so pure…he is a vampire. -_- Chill out dude and be evil or whatever but don’t act like a Grandma. I was so happy that Stefan wasn’t in the half of this book or he would have ruined it…
Damon…He was so good except for what the author made him do or say >.< Mutt? Muff? Mett? hahaha. The author wrote such an awesome joke, It was so funny, I forgot to laugh. -_- But he was so sweet and I loved him 😀

Mutt is a Mutt. Hes a weirdo.

Matt: I like Elena, I like Elena
Damon: Kiss Elena…
Matt: No I would die, I would Jump, etc etc…

Seriously? That was lame. And if you really don’t like Elena, why don’t you just go up to Bonnie and say I Like you? Mhan…sometimes, I even think hes gay!
Bonnie, seriously, stop acting like “Omg! I need help..AA..OO” and start fighting. And get over Damon. He’s Elena’s…Happy now?

So lame. I hate it.
Full Story: Elena is a kiddo and then she turns back while people out there thinks shes still dead and Stefan is acting like her mom all the time. Damon in the other hand wants Elena for himself when he freaking knows she would be like
“NA NA NANA NA! I am Stefan’s” Bonnie and Meredith moms are like, “hahaha…my daughter is so sweet. they are at each others house” while they are fighting for their life. And Matt, God only knows where are his parents when the police man said “He stole a freaking car? you get it? A CAR? Then a weirdo sister and brother who kiss each other *WTF* wants to rule the world and insert a eww “Malach or something” in people’s body and they start going insane.Ohk. Where are the FBI?
The other Vampire Diaries series kind of made sense. I could follow the story and understand. At by end of book 3, Elena was fully dead. Then she came back to life in book 4. Fine. I get that. Now, in this book, What’s up with the whole Elena witch and wings thing? and the little demon things? I really did not understand how this had anything to do with anything that had happened before. And Elena’s white magic thing was so laughable. The story seemed to be going in circles. First they here, but then they weren’t because the demons actually made them go here. And there. And all over the neighborhood. Then at the dying moment Elena cranks up her magic and saves everyone. When I was done reading I was thoroughly confused, and the only conclusion I could come to was, “Yep. L. J. Smith was on crack. Or if she wasn’t she should have been.”

Overall it was a weird book. It was like somebody forced her to write or shes too tired of this series. Ok Smith, we get it that you are bored of this series or something. But please don’t make us suffer for it. I will read the next book just because my friend has it or else I would have said, “sheesh…I have some other work to do rather than read a weird book…”
VERY DISAPPOINTING! I will give this book umm…2/5 stars!


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