The Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn How to Read Tarot Cards


The information in The Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn to Read Tarot Cards book is for information and entertainment purposes only.

The persons who have produced and contributed to this workbook do not have any medical, scientific, psychological, health (including without limitation mental health), hypnosis, coaching, mediation, therapy, neuro linguistic programming, business, financial qualification or background in any of these areas or similar areas.

Amanda Goldston, her directors, employees and agents make no warranty or representation that they have any specific skills or expertise. No warranty or representation is made that the use of any products will achieve a specific effect, result or purpose.

Amanda Goldston, her officers, employees and agents have no responsibility for any decision or action which you decide to take based on the use of The Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn to Read Tarot Cards book (including losses, damages, costs and expenses which you or others may incur) based on any information available in this workbook.

You must use you own skill and judgement in deciding whether The Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn to Read Tarot Cards book is suitable for you. Amanda Goldston, her officers, employees and agents make no recommendations, warranties or representations about the suitability of the book for any person.

We recommend that if there are any health (mental, physical or otherwise), medical, business, financial or any other issues which are or may be affecting your life or upon which you need advice, you should obtain advice from an appropriate qualified professional person.

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