Feminist ideology has seeped into every aspect of our society. This book is a sobering true story of tragedy, suicide, and murder directly caused by feminism. It not only chronicles true stories that show feminism’s discrimination against men, it’s backed by peer-reviewed research. Additionally, it includes investigative journalism that proves feminism was never about equality. The reality is that feminism doesn’t just victimize men. It also victimizes women, children, families, and communities.


This book gives a strong definition of Gynocentrism, Entryism, Propaganda, and Misandry. Then explains how each is integral to Feminism.

This book gives the strongest tactics feminists use to avoid addressing any issue brought up against them and avoid addressing men’s issue.1) They change the subject by bringing something else up. 2)They personally attack the whoever brings up the issue. 3) They use false comparisons. 4) They reframe men’s issue/rights into misogyny. 5)They create public scenes 6)They manipulate entire crowds.

Then gives many of the issues those tactics are used to deflect, avoid, and cover up.

Feminist paint a picture of themselves being strong independent women, who’ve overcome patriarchy. But their pattern is to either find a sugar daddy, welfare, or corporate sponsor to subsidize their efforts. Then deny the support and claim they did all themselves.

Feminists have publicly admitted they want to destroy the nuclear family. They believe no woman should have to deny herself any opportunities because of responsibility to her children and that being a housewife is an illegitimate profession.

Male privilege, Rape Culture, Male Only Domestic Violence, and the Wage Gap have long since been debunked. But Feminists cling to these. Their entire ideology would unravel if the public accepted the truth about those.

Feminists use colleges and civil courts as rape tribunals. These tribunals deny men the right to an attorney, remain silent, a jury, and to confront their accuser. In such tribunals there isn’t a criminal or objective investigation. Men are considered guilty simply by the accusation. These tribunals destroy men’s careers or boys education. Feminists target men and boys, not even caring if the woman/girl in question says it was consensual herself. Those tribunals are an Inquisition.

Family Courts work much the same way. Any accusation of wife or child abuse is considered true, without any witness or proof. Guilty by accusation alone. Because of false abuse claims during divorce, Men lose their reputation, most of their assets and money, their wife, and their children.

This gives vivid examples of how False Accusations and/or the Family Courts destroy Men Completely. Men’s lives are ruined to the point of Suicide.

To sum up: This book shows how Feminists have destroyed Family, Due Process, Privacy, Freedom of Speech, and Inalienable Rights. And that Feminism’s claim to an ideology about equality is a Complete and Utter Lie.

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