Introduction of the ebook: The Green Mile
Đánh giá : 4.46 /5 (sao)
When it first appeared, one volume per month, Stephen King’s THE GREEN MILE was an unprecedented publishing triumph: all six volumes ended up on the New York Times bestseller lists—simultaneously—and delighted millions of fans the world over.
Welcome to Cold Mountain Penitentiary, home to the Depression-worn men of E Block. Convicted killers all, each awaits his turn to wal When it first appeared, one volume per month, Stephen King’s THE GREEN MILE was an unprecedented publishing triumph: all six volumes ended up on the New York Times bestseller lists—simultaneously—and delighted millions of fans the world over.
Welcome to Cold Mountain Penitentiary, home to the Depression-worn men of E Block. Convicted killers all, each awaits his turn to walk the Green Mile, keeping a date with “Old Sparky,” Cold Mountain’s electric chair. Prison guard Paul Edgecombe has seen his share of oddities in his years working the Mile. But he’s never seen anyone like John Coffey, a man with the body of a giant and the mind of a child, condemned for a crime terrifying in its violence and shocking in its depravity. In this place of ultimate retribution, Edgecombe is about to discover the terrible, wondrous truth about Coffey, a truth that will challenge his most cherished beliefes… and yours. …more
Review ebook The Green Mile
So I cheated on my local library last week. I don’t think she knows yet, and I feel kind of bad about it. I discovered a smaller library that was actually much closer to my house. She definitely caught my attention, but I never went because it just seemed like the selection was going to be much smaller, and my current library and I have a great thing going right now.
But now I’m involved with two libraries and, boy, is my life going great!
I found this book at the new library where I couldn’t fi So I cheated on my local library last week. I don’t think she knows yet, and I feel kind of bad about it. I discovered a smaller library that was actually much closer to my house. She definitely caught my attention, but I never went because it just seemed like the selection was going to be much smaller, and my current library and I have a great thing going right now.
But now I’m involved with two libraries and, boy, is my life going great!
I found this book at the new library where I couldn’t find anything else that jumped out to me. I mean, the fiction section is like three rows, maybe four. That includes every genre of fiction. No mystery, romance, horror… it’s all fiction.
This is the book I left with last week, and this is now my favorite Stephen King book. This is King at the top of his game. It’s the perfect length with all six parts, it ends well, and he doesn’t rely on horror or too much salty language to tell a fantastic story.
I’ve always said King is the best when he stays under 400 pages or so and doesn’t write about vampires or monsters. He dabbles in the supernatural here, but not for the sake of scaring the reader. He just really, really hit a home run with this thing.
I liked having six separate parts combined into one novel. Each new section felt fresh with a new plot element, and King helps reset the scene from where he left off before. The characters are all well developed and none of them are too outlandish or over-the-top. Even the antagonist. That was great.
I have a solid love/hate relationship with Mr. King, but I loved this one. Seriously, this is my favorite book I’ve read from him. Go read it if you haven’t already. And watch the movie because it’s a classic on its own.
And, thank you Stephen King for a beautiful first date with my local library. I hope our future encounters are this incredible. …more
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