Cẩm nang Phong thủy của Kam Chuen Lam (phong thủy) / Tiếng Anh (Le manuel du Feng shui by Kam Chuen Lam )

Lam Kam Chuen (林錦全) is a world-renowned Chinese martial artist, feng shui master, traditional Chinese healer and author. He is proficient in both soft and hard martial arts as well as in an assortment of Chinese weaponry. However, he is most well-known for his teaching of Chi Kung (also spelled Qigong) and Tai Chi. He was one of the pioneering forces in promoting Chinese soft martial arts to western audiences, particularly to the United Kingdom.

He teaches in the United Kingdom, in the United States and in various countries in Europe. But he has students all over the world. He coined the phrase “standing like a tree” back in the late 80s and it had since became popular. The phrase is now used interchangeably with Zhan Zhuang by practitioners all over the globe.

He developed his own style of Tai Chi, known as the Lam Style. The style is now practised by thousands of people. He is also one of the pioneering forces in introducing Feng Shui to western countries.

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