Introduction of the ebook: Girlfriend in a Coma

Đánh giá : 3.62 /5 (sao)

‘What did Karen see that December night? What pictures of tomorrow could so disturb her that she would flee into a refuge of bottomless sleep? Why would she leave me?’

It’s 15th December, 1979, and Richard’s girlfriend Karen has entered a deep coma. She only took a couple of valium washed down with a cocktail, but now she’s locked away in suspended animation, oblivious to t ‘What did Karen see that December night? What pictures of tomorrow could so disturb her that she would flee into a refuge of bottomless sleep? Why would she leave me?’

It’s 15th December, 1979, and Richard’s girlfriend Karen has entered a deep coma. She only took a couple of valium washed down with a cocktail, but now she’s locked away in suspended animation, oblivious to the passage of time. What if she were to wake up decades later – a 17-year-old girl in a distant future, a future where the world has gone dark? …more

Review ebook Girlfriend in a Coma

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This short novel was based on the usual dystopian world picture: everyone is dead and at least until the few good survivors can get their act together and “go back to the land” they scavenge. The differences were that it starts with the pregnant girlfriend of a teenage boy, both part of a very sociable crowd of kids, falling into a coma.

17 years later she awakens (with a 16 year old daughter!) and her friends have all grown up but not necessarily as their best selves and everyone else in the wo This short novel was based on the usual dystopian world picture: everyone is dead and at least until the few good survivors can get their act together and “go back to the land” they scavenge. The differences were that it starts with the pregnant girlfriend of a teenage boy, both part of a very sociable crowd of kids, falling into a coma.

17 years later she awakens (with a 16 year old daughter!) and her friends have all grown up but not necessarily as their best selves and everyone else in the world is dead. . The group have to learn that having everything (the electricity never went off) will not make you happy, you have to find meaning in life yourself. This is an explication of one of my favourite quotes, Human beings do not live forever

This little group of people had included a boy who had died young, before the coma, and he was the go-between between the afterlife and the world with magical powers. This was reasonably good and sustained would have been unique and very interesting. However, the author dropped the ball at this point and the ending was crap. If you aren’t going to read the book, here’s the ending: (view spoiler)[The whole world can be restored as it was and the girl can be the sacrificial offering to the gods who control life and death and slip back into her coma. Her choice. She sleeps…. (hide spoiler)] .

What a disappointment. …more

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