Three-Dimensional Treatment For Scoliosis ( Tài liệu cong vẹo cột sống )
Foreword to the English edition
I am very pleased that this textbook is now available in the English language. This means that English-speaking physiotherapists who wish to treat patients suffering from scoliosis now have a very broad range of exercises at their disposal for all cases and shapes of scoliotie bodies.
For fifty years I worked as a physiotherapist with patients suffering from scoliosis, introducing the specific system of treatment that bears the name of my mother, Katharina Schroth, to therapists and patients.
Because she suffered from scoliosis herself during her youth, she developed the program now known in Germany as The Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Treatment or ‘Three-Dimensional Scoliosis Physiotherapy. This is a conservative method of treatment, which works among other things with exercises that clongate the trunk, correct the imbalance of the body, and fill the concavities of the trunk using a special breathing technique which she called ‘rotational breathing!
Katharina Schroth’s approach to treatment was far ahead of her time. Many patients are helped by the treatment we give and by the courses we offer for physiothera patients. pists, who come from many countries, at our Katha rina Schroth Spinal Deformities Rehabilitation Centre. In 1981, on the occasion of Katharina Schroth’s 60th professional anniversary, Professor Friedrich Brussatis, M.D., said in his address.
“I am myself a member of the research society of the American Orthopedic Society, which has designated itself specifically as the ‘Scoliosis Research Society’. The fact alone that such a society exists may indicate to you what extraordinarily great, only partly solved problems still exist today in the diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis.
“Precisely because of so many failures and great attempts and disappointments over the centuries, it constitutes an extraordinarily important landmark to have recognized the three-dimensional flow of motion and
deformation of the spine, and above all to have applied it extensively in practice. I believe the most important part of your treatment method is the fact that you proceed from a given situation of malposture, whose faulty form in itself we cannot alter much. But we can proceed into a situation, in which you apply everything functionally available for better conditioning of the body. particularly the breathing function, in order to help the patient and to motivate him psychologically despite a sometimes extraordinarily great handicap.
“When we once again observe this combination of thought processes in connection with your life work passing before us, we know what we have to thank you for. And we also know exactly where the path in the future will lead us: precisely to the three-dimensional treatment of scoliosis”.
The book is a description of the techniques of the Schroth method. It describes almost all trunk deviations and their treatment, thus it is a wonderful source of information for therapists who wish to treat scoliotic
The book is strongly practice-related. It should be possible for therapists who treat their patients following the book’s guidelines to achieve successful results. The Schroth method has long been regarded as the gold standard in German physiotherapy.
I am very pleased that this method of treatment has already been the subject of repeated scientific investigations and has now been described in several books at large. My mother’s basic three-dimensional idea is also incorporated into the current bracing concept in Central Europe that has been shown to be effective.
May this book help many physiotherapists and ease the burden of all young children, adolescents and adults suffering from scoliosis.
Bad Sobernheim, Spring, 2007, Christa Lehnert-Schroth, PT.
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