Introduction of the ebook: The Day America Cried!: So Many Innocents Died 9-11-01

Đánh giá : 5.00 /5 (sao)

This children’s book describes the events of 9/11/01 and in the weeks that follow. It tells a story different from what is likely to be told in history books. It captures the moments as they were lived without generating fear and provides a message of hope and courage.

The book focuses not only on the events themselves but our reactions to the events such as emotions, acts of kindness and our need to continue onward in spite of fear and uncertainty. It attempts to explain why 9/11 occurred without prejudice.

The story is accompanied by graphics (black and white) that are meant to keep the children’s interest. The events appear to be told by a cheerful cat who finds his way onto each page of the text as well as onto the full page illustrations.

Children between ages 7 and 9 years old will likely be able to read this book alone. However, the material in the book can be utilized into classroom lessons on 9/11, as well as those on citizenship, for older and younger school-aged children as well.

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