Introduction of the ebook: The King in Yellow and Other Horror Stories

Đánh giá : 3.69 /5 (sao)

“Every story of The King in Yellow has something riveting about it … so perfectly realized, they became the model for much of twentieth-century horror/fantasy.” — New York Press
One of the most important works of American supernatural fiction since those of Poe, The King in Yellow was among the first attempts to establish the horror of the nameless and the unimaginable. A t “Every story of The King in Yellow has something riveting about it … so perfectly realized, they became the model for much of twentieth-century horror/fantasy.” — New York Press
One of the most important works of American supernatural fiction since those of Poe, The King in Yellow was among the first attempts to establish the horror of the nameless and the unimaginable. A treasured source used by almost all the significant writers in the American pulp tradition — H. P. Lovecraft, A. Merritt, Robert E. Howard, and many others — it endures as a work of remarkable power and one of the most chillingly original books in the genre.
This collection reprints all the supernatural stories from The King in Yellow, including the grisly “Yellow Sign,” the disquieting “Repairer of Reputations,” the tender “Demoiselle d’Ys,” and others. Robert W. Chambers’ finest stories from other sources have also been added, such as the thrilling “Maker of Moons” and “The Messenger.” In addition, an unusual pleasure awaits those who know Chambers only by his horror stories: three of his finest early biological science-fiction fantasies from In Search of the Unknown appear here as well. …more

Review ebook The King in Yellow and Other Horror Stories

3.5 Stars

Back in 2014 when I was still in college, My friends and I sat down and decided to watch a brand new detective TV show airing on HBO. There were two detectives and ritual murders, two timelines and unknown mysteries. By the time I finished watching a few episodes, I knew I was witnessing one of the best damn TV show ever produced.

True detective Season 1.

One thing I did not understand while watching the show was the constant reference to the Yellow King and the mysterious lands of C 3.5 Stars

Back in 2014 when I was still in college, My friends and I sat down and decided to watch a brand new detective TV show airing on HBO. There were two detectives and ritual murders, two timelines and unknown mysteries. By the time I finished watching a few episodes, I knew I was witnessing one of the best damn TV show ever produced.

True detective Season 1.

One thing I did not understand while watching the show was the constant reference to the Yellow King and the mysterious lands of Carcosa. Later on, I found out that the show was referencing to this collection of ten stories published in 1895, by the author Robert W. Chambers. I read the collection, and here we are!

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.

What makes this collection important in horror literature history is the introduction of elements like the enigmatic Yellow King, the yellow sign, and the fictitious horror play named “The King in Yellow”. Chambers also used the mysterious Carcosa, an other-worldly city created by author Ambrose Bierce in his short story An Inhabitant of Carcosa (1886), to deepen the daunting quality of the Yellow King mythology.

While the Yellow King mythology itself is truly iconic horror invention which fueled even Lovecraft’s imagination, the stories that use this mythology in this collection are not too iconic. Out of ten stories presented here, only four mentions The King of Yellow, and out of four, only two are true horror.

To be honest, The King in Yellow and other horror stories is a misleading title. It should be The Horrors of King in Yellow and other Romantic stories. Yes, along with horrifying deaths and macabre, this one got romance, love, roses, kisses, Paris, and artists!

But here is the weird part, Chambers writes romance much better than he writes horror. His short stories like The Street of the First Shell, The Street of Our Lady of The Fields, and Rue Barrée have not a single ounce of horror in it, but the charm of Paris, lovely prose and romance makes the stories beautiful… which was not what I expected when I picked up a HORROR book.

On the horror side of the business, The Repairer of Reputations and In the Court of the Dragon shines. Stories like The Mask, the yellow sign, and The Demoiselle d’Ys try to combine romance and horror, with only The Mask succeeding for me.

Even though Chambers tricked me into reading romance, the collection of stories are good, just not iconic.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!


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