Introduction of the ebook: The Upas Tree

Đánh giá : 3.59 /5 (sao)

Review ebook The Upas Tree

This is a beautifully written but sad little tale. Ishbel Mackintosh is in her 50s, completely dominated by her widowed mother, who treats poor Ishbel like a skivvy, saying that they cannot afford to spend money on help of any kind in the huge, rambling, old fashioned house and that she will have to take the place of servants they had in better times.
It is written in a lovely, slightly old-fashioned style, the character development thoughtful and slow, you cannot quite believe that Ishbel has n This is a beautifully written but sad little tale. Ishbel Mackintosh is in her 50s, completely dominated by her widowed mother, who treats poor Ishbel like a skivvy, saying that they cannot afford to spend money on help of any kind in the huge, rambling, old fashioned house and that she will have to take the place of servants they had in better times.
It is written in a lovely, slightly old-fashioned style, the character development thoughtful and slow, you cannot quite believe that Ishbel has not rebelled years ago. I cannot give much more detail of the story, as it would involve spoilers – only to say that this is a little gem of a book, I will look out for more work by Eva Hanagan. …more

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