The Wisdom of Tarot – Elisabeth Haich

Paeans of acclaim greet this book on tarot.

It is written out of a full awareness of life, with a profound imaginative insight which sees the ever-renewing pattern of immediate experience a rose, a tree in blossom, a bird with such a sense of vitality, such all-embracing penetration, and plumbs the soul so deeply that the experiencing mind catches the eternal in what is transient and grasps within the configurations of space the presence of some moulding force transcending all spatial bounds. And it teaches us how to engage more closely with life in all its plenitude and to confront it squarely in all its tangible variety. We are shown stage by stage how to exercise our powers of pictorial thinking and ability to interpret symbols until a felicitous disposition of the cards brings the soul to intuitive knowledge of itself.

The spirit speaking to us from these ancient cards is rooted in the remote past of Egyptian mysticism. And every soul which brings these cards to life again can catch in the unchanging mirror of human life the faint intimations of an ancient past stirring in the eternally present. Thus it was once and ever will be this image of the bonds and linkages between what appears to us to have been, to be now, and still be to come. That which is so intimately compounded in the depths is separated out in the processes of life. Starting from the beginning ever and again, it is the individual, depending on his own knowledge and his own courage, that must find his way through the labyrinth of his destiny woven from his own peculiar intrications of past, present and future. In these pages he will find the clue of Ariadne.

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