Understanding the Tarot Court – Mary K Greer, Tom Little

About Mary K. Greer

Mary K. Greer specializes in writing about and teaching methods of self-exploration and transformation. The author of six books on Tarot and a member of several Tarot organizations, she is featured at Tarot conferences and symposia around the United States and abroad. She has a wide following in feminist and pagan communities for her work in women’s spirituality and magic. A priestess-hierophant in the Fellowship of Isis, she is founder of the Iseum of Isis Aurea.

Mary has studied and practiced Tarot and astrology for over thirty-five years. Her teaching experience includes eleven years at a liberal arts college and hundreds of worshops, conferences, and classes. She is the founder and director of the learning center T.A.R.O.T. (Tools And Rites Of Transformation). She coauthored the TarotL History Information Sheet.

About Tom Little

Tom Little is a health physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He holds a PhD in astronomy from New Mexico State University and has previously worked as a university professor and a technical writer. He is a Wiccan priest and serves on the board of Ardantane pagan learning center in northern New Mexico.

Tom has used the Tarot as his primary spiritual tool for a number of years. He has a strong interest in Tarot history and antique decks, and has created extensive online resources for Tarot enthusiast, including the Hermitage (a Tarot history site, www.tarothermit.com) and Tarot at Telperion Productions (www.telp.com/tarot/). He has coauthored and edited the Tarot Tarot History Information Sheet. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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