Vocabulary Coloring Book

Giving a child the opportunity to color helps stimulate the creative centers in their mind. Colors, shapes, interpretations, and imagined stories are all present when a child is coloring. Even if your child draws the same picture over and over, they’re still engaging the creative centers in the brain that process colors and shapes.

When children have the opportunity to color, they engage their independence and self-expression. What colors should they choose? What should they draw? What will it look like? Will it be big or small? Will it have lots of colors or just one color? Will the faces be smiling or frowning? Chances are, the answers to their questions are either consciously or subconsciously expressing themselves or their emotions. Drawing is a chance for your child to work through his or her emotions and to express themselves in a safe environment. Children may not always have the words to say exactly how their feeling, but coloring will let your child express himself without needing the vocabulary to do so.

Coloring is also a great focus-building exercise. Focus is an important skill for children to learn, not only for their academic careers but for their professional careers as well. Focus is what helps us see through any task from start to finish. You’ll notice as your child’s focus develops that his or her drawings become more intricate, taking more time to complete.

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