Discovering Your Self Through the Tarot A Jungian Guide to Archetypes and Personality

Discovering Your Self Through the Tarot is a book by Rose Gwain that explores the use of tarot for self-discovery. The book is based on Jungian psychology, and it uses the tarot archetypes to help readers understand their own personality and shadow selves.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides an overview of Jungian psychology and the tarot archetypes. The second part of the book presents a series of exercises that readers can use to explore their own personalities and shadow selves. The third part of the book provides a variety of tarot spreads that readers can use for self-reflection.

Discovering Your Self Through the Tarot is a well-written and informative book. Gwain’s explanations of Jungian psychology and the tarot archetypes are clear and concise, and her exercises are helpful and insightful. The book is also full of practical advice, and Gwain’s insights into the tarot are valuable for both beginners and experienced readers.

Overall, Discovering Your Self Through the Tarot is an excellent resource for anyone who is interested in using tarot for self-discovery. The book is well-written, informative, and practical. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to use the tarot to learn more about themselves.

Here are some pros and cons of the book:


  • Well-written and informative
  • Uses Jungian psychology to explore the tarot archetypes
  • Provides a series of exercises to help readers explore their own personalities
  • Offers a variety of tarot spreads for self-reflection
  • Valuable for both beginners and experienced readers


  • Some of the exercises may be too simplistic for experienced readers
  • The book is based on Jungian psychology, so readers who are not familiar with Jungian psychology may find it difficult to understand

Overall, I would highly recommend Discovering Your Self Through the Tarot to anyone who is interested in using tarot for self-discovery. The book is well-written, informative, and practical. I would only recommend it to beginners if they are comfortable with Jungian psychology.

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