Introduction of the ebook: Green Hills of Africa

Đánh giá : 3.55 /5 (sao)

Green Hills of Africa is Ernest Hemingway’s lyrical journal of a month on safari in the great game country of East Africa, where he and his wife Pauline journeyed in December 1933. Hemingway’s well-known interest in – and fascination with – big-game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative account of his trip. It is an examination of the lure of the hunt and an Green Hills of Africa is Ernest Hemingway’s lyrical journal of a month on safari in the great game country of East Africa, where he and his wife Pauline journeyed in December 1933. Hemingway’s well-known interest in – and fascination with – big-game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative account of his trip. It is an examination of the lure of the hunt and an impassioned portrait of the glory of the African landscape and of the beauty of a wilderness that was, even then, being threatened by the incursions of man. …more

Review ebook Green Hills of Africa

Hemingway writes about a big game hunt in (colonial) East Africa in the 1930s. It is essentially an autobiographical account of Hemingway’s 1933 trip that was original serialised in Scribner’s Magazine; it is evident from the narrative that Hemingway loved Africa for its natural beauty and enchanting wildness.

It is certainly a book of its time and ages pretty poorly, as I personally believe does all his work. Green Hills of Africa is divided into four parts: Pursuit and Conversation, Pursuit Rem Hemingway writes about a big game hunt in (colonial) East Africa in the 1930s. It is essentially an autobiographical account of Hemingway’s 1933 trip that was original serialised in Scribner’s Magazine; it is evident from the narrative that Hemingway loved Africa for its natural beauty and enchanting wildness.

It is certainly a book of its time and ages pretty poorly, as I personally believe does all his work. Green Hills of Africa is divided into four parts: Pursuit and Conversation, Pursuit Remembered, Pursuit and Failure, and Pursuit as Happiness, each of which plays a different role in the story. 4 out of 12

2011 read …more

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