Greer – Cinnabar – Tarot Course


Welcome to the Cinnabar Tarot course. In this lesson, we will introduce you to the Tarot, and also to concepts which will be at the core of future lessons. If you have worked with the Tarot before, some of this material will probably be familiar to you; but some of it will be new, and all of it is necessary grounding for further work. As you should do with each lesson, please be sure to master this material thoroughly before you move on to the next lesson. If you have questions or comments, please write to us. Any letters that we receive before we mail your next lesson will be answered with that mailing; or, if you wish to hear sooner and/or have an urgent question, a letter sent with an enclosed SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) will be answered at once. If some of the material in a lesson seems odd, stale, or even irrelevant, please be patient: we are trying to help you develop a particular way of looking at and handling the cards, and it will all come together in the end.

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