Introduction of the ebook: The Devoted Friend

Đánh giá : 3.86 /5 (sao)

A selfish miller proves to be the downfall of his devoted friend and gardener, Hans, even as he benefits from the fruits of Hans’s labour.

Review ebook The Devoted Friend

The Devoted Friend is a satirical fairy tale about friendship. With Wilde I have since learnt there is method behind the madness in the infuriating stories he tells.

A pompous and opinionated old water-rat is heard to be waxing lyrical about the rarity and nobility of a devoted friendship. When asked by a linnet bird to define the duties of a devoted friend, he scornfully dismisses it as a silly question and quips, “I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course.” The linnet tel The Devoted Friend is a satirical fairy tale about friendship. With Wilde I have since learnt there is method behind the madness in the infuriating stories he tells.

A pompous and opinionated old water-rat is heard to be waxing lyrical about the rarity and nobility of a devoted friendship. When asked by a linnet bird to define the duties of a devoted friend, he scornfully dismisses it as a silly question and quips, “I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course.” The linnet tells him the story of Little Hans, a poor but kind gardener, who has the most devoted friend of all, big Hugh the wealthy miller. The latter makes lofty statements about the unselfishness of true friendship. Hans feels proud to have a friend who cherishes such noble ideas.

In true Wilde fashion, the linnet tells a maddening story of the miller’s idea of charity. This includes not visiting Hans during the winter months when he has no flowers to sell for food because ‘when people are in trouble they should be left alone and not be bothered by visitors.’ A series of preposterous demands follows where the miller exploits Hans’ goodness and Hans continues to make appalling sacrifices until there is none left to lay on the altar of friendship.

At the end of the linnet’s tale, the water-rat says “Pooh”, whisks his tail and goes back to his hole. And I sat in awe of Wilde’s craft and held counsel with myself on what constitutes true friendship. …more

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