The Initiatic Path In The Arcane Of Tarot And Kabbalah – Samael Aun Weor

The origin of the Kabbalah is lost in the night of the centuries, there, where the universe was formed in the womb of Maha Kundalini, the Great Mother. The Kabalah is the science of number.

The author of the Tarot was the Angel Metraton who is Lord of the Wisdom of the Serpent. He was the prophet Enoch about whom the Bible speaks.

The Angel Metraton or Enoch left us the Tarot, in which is contained all Divine Wisdom. This was written in stone. He also left to us the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. This great Master lives in the superior worlds, in a world of unimaginable happiness; the world of Aziluth, or in terms of the Kabalah, the region of Kether, a very elevated Sephiroth. All kabalists base themselves in the Tarot. It is necessary to study and know it profoundly. The universe is formed with the Law of Number, Measure and Weight. Mathematics forms the universe. Numbers become living entities.

Whoever enters the pure and ineffable world of Spirit, Chesed, is able to verify that in this region everything reduces to numbers. It is a region of tremendous reality.

We do not see things as they are in our world; rather we see images of things. In Chesed, one knows how many atoms there are in a table, how much karma the world owes, one knows how many molecules live in each body; it is a world of mathematics, a world of realism. One believes that one will be distanced from worldly reality in this world, and yet, one lives in reality. In a temple one knows the number of persons who are Self- Realised, and those who are not. If one enters a kitchen one knows the number of atoms contained in the food, which is to be eaten. It is a world of tremendous reality. In the world of Chesed one is able to know who is a True Man.

One night, whilst in the world of Chesed, I entered a theatre where karmas were balanced, and on a screen, the screen of creation, one could observe the activity of the Masters of Karma. The karma of the two greatest powers on earth was placed, one on each side of a huge scale. The scale inclined against the colossus of the North. It owes a great karma; it will decline, will fall devastated because that which it owes must be paid in one way or another.

The Theosophists speak of planes and sub-planes. These are the ten Sephiroth; ten emanations of Eternal Mother Space, ten waves which serve as the foundation of the Great Mother.

The seven planets of the solar system are the seven Sephiroth and the triune Spiritual Sun is the Sephirothic Crown. These Sephiroth live, palpitate within our consciousness and we have to learn how to manage them and combine them in the marvellous laboratory of our internal universe. Thanks to the Sephiroth, one can be transformed into a Man. There are also Sephirah in the same manner as there are positive ions and negative ions.

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